We provide a yearlong in depth and detailed Coaching, Concierge and Intel Service with the ability to text, email or call anyone at Canyon Runner at any time day or night with any questions whatsoever.
But mostly – and where most people really feel the value is – it’s a Service that effectively signs us on as your virtual co-Captain on every single trip by working with you for a couple days planning the trip right up until the minute you depart and then, most importantly, working directly with you the entire time you are offshore via a SAT texting device every minute of your trip – as often as you need.
As a Member of our Coaching & Intel Membership you will be put right on the bite – every time you leave the dock – with real time reports 24-hours a day. You’ll receive daily emails providing updates on the fishing but more importantly constant educational information pertinent to what is going on the edge at that time. Videos, PowerPoint presentations, articles – whatever it takes to help you get to the next level!
And in the end – Our Pro-Staff Captains Become Your Virtual Co-Captain – Both Before Departure and in Real Time Every Minute While Offshore Using our proprietary Virtual Co-Captain System!!
So How Does All This Come Together...
- Additional Pro-Staff Up & Down Coast for More Local Knowledge – We have added arguable the top 10 boats from the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic and Outer Banks as our Pro-Staff to provide support and assistance to all our Membership. The top boats from Eastern Long Island, New Jersey, OCMD and Oregon Inlet, NC are all now paid Pro-Staff to providing reports and intel on a daily basis. They all participate in our live seminars, Zoom Seminars, on our Private Facebook page and we’ll be adding several more up and down the coast.
- CR VIRTUAL CO- CAPTAIN SYSTEM – TRACKING – WEATHER – WATER TEMP & WARNING SYSTEM – We’ve put together & tested all season what we think is the most exciting enhancement to date with the Membership which is – in short – a boat tracking system, a water temperature chart system, www.windy.com, AIS tracking system in real time, a weather warning & avoidance system, an engine warning system, a fleet monitor system, a boat monitoring system and a fishing log database – all in one.
- 60+ Hour Long Training Videos – Every Possible Topic & 600+ Pages of PowerPoint Slides! – We’ve been doing live Seminars for 22 years to over 1,000 folks each winter. Well we’ve started to record those live Seminars about 5 years ago and now how roughly 90 hours of Seminar training recorded and available to all Members.
- Short – Hands-On – Downloadable How-To Videos! – Over 20 how-to videos on topics ranging from rigging ballyhoo, to crimping, to splicing, to harpooning, to tuning in your radar to rigging swords baits and more. We will have over 20 of these 5-10 minute how-to videos in our Members Only section and downloadable so you can save it on your phone and take offshore with you for real time review .
- Multiple FREE Member’s Only Virtual Seminars All Year Long! – The training doesn’t end with the recorded sessions as we continue with live Zoom Seminars all winter long 3 or 4 every month. These are also then recorded and available if you can’t attend live.
- Weekly In-Season Member’s Only Zoom Calls on Intel, Strategy, Planning & Weather! – During the season we will have weekly calls to go over the prior weeks results, where we think the fish are going to produce best in the coming week, help plan strategy and make predictions for the upcoming weeks fishing, weather forecasts and cover anything new and interesting that is producing that might not be well know yet among the Members.
- More Live Seminars & Live Events Closer to All Members – We will be having live Seminars in OCMD, Montauk, Bayshore, Manasquan and Atlantic City to name a few places – with more to come! Every Member gets a Free ticket to each of these Live Events
- Private Facebook Forum – Members and Pro-Staff to Communicate & Share Intel/Info! – Our Pro-Staff – starting with Capt. Deane Lambros will monitor and post on our Private Member’s Only Facebook page. Member’s will post too. Reports, pictures interesting articles. Anything and everything to continue the learning process will appear here. But also……..this is where Members can reach out to other Members. Find crew to come along if you are short handed. Find a ride with other Members. Or just build releationships with other crews in your region.
- Motivate and Support More Member Interaction – Regional Directory – in an effort to get any and all Members that want to interact, work with, fish with or share we will put together Regional Member Directories for ONLY those Members that want to share contact info – you can still stay anonymous if you want to. But if you’d like to expand your fishing contacts this will take care of that in an instant.
- Member’s Only Tournaments ($500 in Tackle in Winnings) – In an effort to continue to promote cooperation and coordination among as many Members as possible we will have monthly “Tournaments” based on various goals – most posts on the Private CR Facebook page, most trips taking Members on your boat, Most Trips Run that Month, Biggest Fish etc. etc. You’ll be rewarded $500 cash prize and Canyon Runner will make a donation in your Name to OperationRestoredWarrior.org.
- Inshore Fishing Reports, Intel & Assistance As Well! Inshore Coverage for Multiple Species – We’ll be expanded coverage for inshore fishing as well – we’ll be bringing in some top inshore Captains into the fold and provide weekly email updates similar to those provided daily on the offshore scene, plus intel and planning for all.
- Access to Multiple FREE Member Only Trips on the Canyon Runner! – We raffle off a minimum of 12 spots on overnighter canyon tutorial trips on the Canyon Runner every year for Member’s Only!
- Average Member Owns a 32’ Center Console & Fishes Mid-Shore & Inshore On Most of Their Trips so Major Focus on Mid-Shore & Inshore Intel! – This is key to understanding that the MAJOR focus of the Membership is Inshore and Mid-Shore tuna as 60% of our Members own 30-34′ center console – average only 5-6 tuna trips a year – and never go to the canyon. Accordingly – a huge part of our focus, our training and our intel covers these folks. Yeah Canyon Runner and many of our Pro-Staff are known for winning touranments and catching big-eyes – but with the price of fuel we want to fish as close to the inlet as possible too – so we are always in the know on where the action is on the inshore and midshore tuna grounds.
- Several CR Pro-Staff Available to Fish on Your Boat! – We have a few long time CR Captains that are available to fish on your boat. Booking them is like booking a charter and they are under high demand so availability goes fast – but getting one of these guys – that would make 6-figures running a private boat to fish with you for a day will advance your ability years forward.
- Member’s Only VHF Channel – Rotating weekly VHF channel for Member’s to Communicate Offshore. We will announce the VHF on the weekly Strategy Call and post it on the CR Private Facebook Forum.
- Ability via Text to Stay in Constant Contact with Entire Team While Offshore! – With our Member Directory you will have access to all our Members who want to team up offshore including their Inreach/SAT texting numbers.
- Members to Communicate w/Each Other & Coordinate Intel Fishing Teams Before Trips! – Through our highly interactive private Facebook Group and our Member Directory Members will be able to build their own network of fishing Teams and bounce ideas and strategy off each other – and most importantly build crews that fish together.
- Discounts w/Multiple Preferred Vendors – Fuel, Bait, Tackle, Electronics & More! – we’ll be working with Marinas, Tackle Shops, Electronics Retailers and Installers, Fuel Companies and more to leverage the buying power of hundreds of boat owners – Our Members – to get discounts across the board on any and all products and equipment needed to keep you running offshore.
- Feature for Members to Fish on Each Other’s Boats! – Through our highly interactive private Facebook Group and our Member Directory Members will be able to reach out days in advance of a trip and find crew if short handed – and better yet – fish with other Members when they are short handed.
- 24/7/365 Access to Our Team Captains Available via Phone, Text, Email All Year Long! – This might be the most important thing that needs to be hammered home. Once you are a Member you have access to our Main Pro-Staff at all hours of the day, night, weekend and holidays. And we aren’t kidding – we want you inundating us will hundreds/thousands of questions. You will never truly understand just how much value we are willing to deliver unless you constantly reach out any and every time you have even the remotes question about anything and everything that impacts your boat, your tackle, your crew or your strategy when it comes to any and all aspects of fishing.
- GPS tracking of location, speed and heading of multiple top boats out of OC, MD, NJ & NY – all day, every day as if you are looking at their chartploter – plus historical data! – This feature will give you real-time, up to the second tracking of ALL of our top Pro-Staff when they are fishing offshore and most Members. Top boats in every region we service. But don’t use this to decide where to go tomorrow – use this as a major learning tool. You can go back in time – days, weeks, months, years and compare where boats fished verses the SAT water temp charts for that day and then compare the reports. Better yet – what we really want from you – is every day of the season you aren’t offshore you should be looking at the current SAT shots – then log into the Pro-Staff boats we are tracking – and see if you would have gone where they went based on your read of the water. They reach out to the CR Pro-Staff that will always be on land and find out why the boats went where they went and how they are doing. Constantly learning, constantly training, will advance you to the next level in very short order.
- Multiple Real Time Reports Via Email, Text and Facebook Ever Single Day of the Season! – As soon as the first tuna is caught by any of our Members from Virginia Beach to Cape Cod we will start with Daily Email/Text Reports. These Reports will tell the story of the season. You will never again need to ask around at the dock or tackle shop. You don’t need to monitor social media or the internet. These reports will always let you know if there are fish to be caught in your region. They will not be too long – but they are the MOST IMPORTANT aspect of the Service and need to be read each and everyday. If all you do is do this you will be a Member for many many years as it will put you in the know like never before.
- Free Access to Multiple Weather Updates and Monitoring!
- Unlimited Access to Major Water Temperature Chart Service! – The most important tool in find fish – more than anything else – is the ability to read the water – temperature and quality. We will teach you all you’ll ever need to know – we’ve been reading SAT water temp charts since they first came on the market back in the mid 1980s and will pass those decades of knowledge on to you. But we’ve also secured FREE access to data from multiple water temperature services for all our Members. Saving you close to $200 right off the bat as this is the only water temp service you’ll need once a Members.
- Coverage in Florida in North Carolina during Winter – Membership won’t end with the Northeast/Mid-Atlantic tuna seasons end. We’ll continue to provide coverage in North Carolina during the Winter bluefin run with Multiple local Captains as support. We’ll also provide all aspects of the Membership for those bringing their boats to Florida for the winter – with support in SE Florida by some of the CR Crew that will be spending their winter there – including Adam and Capt. Mark DeCabia – plus through other top local Captains.
- The CR Virtual Co-Captain System so All of the Above is At Your Fingertips!
- We Support Anonymous Membership or full fledged Open and Transparent Members – You Choice! Some Members only want to work with our Pro-Staff directly and not interact with other Members – these are usually Charter Boats or Private Captains – great Members to have as their wealth of info is invalauble but they prefer not to let their Membership be known to others – NO PROBLEM. Other Members are actively involved openly and transparently with Other Members – and that’s great too.